Through the Moment

Through the Moment. YONGHUN KIM, 2024

Projection on Canvas with Audio


Through the Moment (2024) is a projection installation work that reconstructs the instantaneous landscapes of the Palestinians’ peaceful daily lives and cultures of Palestinians, meaning more than just a physical space. However, today’s access to the Jordan River is limited not only to Palestinians but also to foreigners. Under these circumstances, the Unreal Engine program was chosen as an effective digital medium for reconstructing the Jordan River’s narrative in imagination. Thanks to the program’s strong visual representation ability, the Jordan River imaginary space was created to life, and it was also able to visually recreate the relationships Palestinians had with water and land in the past.

Moreover, it is designed to allow audiences to experience the Palestinian daily lives and nature of the past in their imagination, with detailed representations of the Jordan River’s landscapes based on materials from the Palestine Digital Archive. The core intention of this installation is to express a living narrative, not a static one. To this end, the moving images were projected onto a static canvas, and thus, the changing, living, and breathing spaces were indirectly represented, not a fixed space. This is not just to record the past, but to allow Palestinians to relive the narratives that interacted with nature in a new imaginary space. Ultimately, Through the Moment, is designed to allow a new experience of the past narrative in a modern context, by recreating the Jordan River as an imaginary space free from time and space in the past and present. 


Through: Gallery Exhibition


Liberated Jarrah